Saturday, February 12, 2011

Internet Communications

The internet has changed communication significantly, a bit for the better, a bit for the worse.  It has made the world smaller, you can have a casual conversation with someone on the other side of the world that you would have never had any other way.  Social networks have made that remarkably easy.  Video chatting, like skype, makes our chats intimate, brings us closer together with our friends and family, and having the screen between us makes us bold.  We say and do things we might not in person. 
On the other hand, email, chatting and texting makes us lazy and takes the emotion out of communication.  Since humans communicate very little with actual words and rely on things like body language and vocal tone to get our points across, there is much lost in written communication.  The handwritten letter still had an art to it, but the email is shorthand and short words and doesn't even have handwriting to analyze -- much is lost in it. 
Things like mass communication, directives or just out and out time killing are best done through the internet, but nurturing a relationship is still best done in person.

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